Guinea - It is illegal to call a baby “Monica”
Los Angeles, It is not legal to bathe two babies at the same time in the same tub
New York-It is against the law to throw a ball at someone's head for fun.
Logan County, Colorado, USA- it is still illegal to kiss a woman while she is asleep.
U.K-It is illegal to die in the House of Parliament. The reason is that theoretically, who dies between the walls of the House, must be automatically buried under the royal sign
U.K-The head of any dead whale found on the British coast becomes automatically the propriety of the king. The whale tale is the property of the Queen
Wales-All boys must, by law, learn to play rugby.
Russia - It is illegal to drive a dirty car
St. Louis, Missouri, USA- it is still illegal for firemen to rescue women who are still in their nightdresses.
Liverpool-a woman is prohibited by law to walk around topless, unless she is selling exotic fish at the market
Indonesia- masturbation is strictly forbidden. Anyone who breaks the law and gets caught risks getting beheaded.
U.K- a pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants – even, if she so requests, in a policeman’s helmet
Tremonton, Utah, USA- it is still an offence for a woman to have sexual intercourse with a man in an ambulance. She can be charged with a misdemeanour and have her name printed in the local paper.
Australia-Although it is illegal for children to buy cigarettes, condoms and alcohol, it is legal to use them.